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1 Spieler, Flash, Strichmännchen, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Scharfschütze | (741 KB) Datum hinzugefügt 14 Apr 2011
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You are the Chav Hunter! It is then your mission to assassinate as many chavs as you can. Chav stands for the "Council Housed and Violent." Aside from being a mission, it is also your duty to make the world a better place to live in. And to achieve that goal, you must eliminate the chavs. You can easily recognize one from the rest of the human population for they wore baseball caps, cheap bling or white trainers. A detailed information for your mission is being provided, however, there are certain twists in some of the mission which you must attend to. Remember, your mission is to eliminate the chavs and not those innocent civilians. Thus, be keen in determining who are your targets.

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