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1 Spieler, Flash, Kinder, Verkleiden, Makeover / Make-up | (1.08 MB) Datum hinzugefügt 27 Apr 2015
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Frankie is going for a party with her friends this evening. She has many friends in and around the house. The reason behind is that she always looks at the positive-side of people. Even if the attitude of people doesn’t please her, she would always encourage them do good things. The friends of the girl have gone to the beauty parlour to get themselves adorned to have a gorgeous look. Frankie has no clue of what to do. She will arrive to your beauty parlour within few minutes. Wash the hair of the girl using the expensive shampoo. After that, rinse it off thoroughly. Add different look to the lass with your elegant hairdos. See what suits the lady and according to that proceed further. Wind up the session adorning the girl with the pretty outfit. Frankie is very much obliged for your great help.

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