Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Princess Pool Party Cleaning:

1 Spieler, Flash, Prinzessin, Aufräumen | (2.51 MB) Datum hinzugefügt 21 Jul 2015
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Princess Merida is the bravest girl in the world. She is braver than many men in the country. Inspired by her, most of the women in the country go for hunting in the woods. The princess usually throws party only to her friends. Now the relatives also have come to spend the summer vocation. There will be a grand party in the palace tomorrow. Clean up the messy place. It is where the party is going to take place. The servants are on leave. So the princess herself wanted to clean up the place. But her cousins want to play with her. The king and the guests would be pleased if you are charitable. We know that you are a service minded soul. The celebration will start-off in sometime. Give a spring cleaning to the pool. Place the waste where you are supposed to throw. Princess Merida is very much thankful to your selfless service. Have a good time with the princess and the relatives.

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