Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Surviving Mars:

1 Spieler, Flash, Maus-Geschicklichkeit | (640 KB) Datum hinzugefügt 10 Apr 2013
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In 2540 flying to Mars is an everyday thing, our little hero made a bad landing and broke his spaceship, so he took his emergency Mars vehicle and started his adventurous way to the nearest landing station to find another spaceship and get back to planet earth. Now is where your mission starts to help our hero to get to the spaceship, but be careful unfortunately in your way you will find a lot of meteorites falling on you, as well as some aliens that try to bite you or smaller rocks and big jagged rock sticking up from the ground.

Wie man es es spielt:

Use the mouse moving up or down to make the Mars vehicle to avoid obstacles.

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