Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel The Werewolf Diaries:

Puzzle, 1 Spieler, Flash | (218 KB) Datum hinzugefügt 01 Nov 2013
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In the game of The Werewolf Diaries time is working against you as the skulls slowly move down forcing the player to quickly strategize a way to destroy the skulls. The Player does this by forming groups of three or more skulls of the same color in a fast and effective way. After destroying a group of skulls the remaining skulls that were attached to the ones you destroyed will also fall and be demolished. Fun tip for the game: Throwing a skulls against the wall allowing it bounce will effectively destroy skulls. Be careful to not be to slow because if the skulls reach the bottom of your screen you will lose!

Wie man es es spielt:

This game is played with mouse only.

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