Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Turkey Roast Decoration:

1 Spieler, Flash, Nahrung | (597 KB) Datum hinzugefügt 03 Oct 2011
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A turkey is usually pretty hard to cook and people often end up looking for recipes on the internet or in some cooking books. So if you're looking for a recipe to learn how to cook this is the right place to be, because in this game we'll have a big turkey laying on the table and waiting to be cooked. We've got some nice tips and tricks for you in how to cook this bigtasty turkey. But first of all don't forget to keep your hygiene high. The kitchenware must be clean before cooking and your hands as well. So let's go to the game and get yourself into the cooking mode.

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Turkey Roast Decoration
Turkey Roast Decoration
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