Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Addicting Drift:

1 Spieler, Ausrüstungs-Upgrade kaufen, Auto, Stunts, 3D, WebGL, Extremer Sport, Drifting | Datum hinzugefügt 25 Apr 2021
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Addicting Drift is a free racing game. The drift is here and the drift is now. This is a racing game where the point isn't to race, it's not about being first, and there are no other players. In this game, you will use racing as a delivery system for the drifting. Ho long can you drift? Can you hold that drift? Can you beat that record? Addicting Drift is a game that challenges you to speed up and spin out as you drift through various courses two laps at a time.

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Addicting Drift
Addicting Drift
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