Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Alien Contact Jigsaw:

1 Spieler, Flash, Weltraum, Außerirdischer, Puzzlespiel | (682 KB) Datum hinzugefügt 22 Sep 2012
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Alien Contact Jigsaw is a brand new free online alien jigsaw game. The Aliens are here and they are trying to make a contact with us. But a man from the Earth has taken a picture of them and this picture you have to solve and to let the world see it. Solve this puzzle of the three funny aliens and prove the world that aliens rely exists. To play this game you have to drag the pieces into place using nothing else but your precious mouse. Once you have finished one level you can play the next level. Enjoy solving this fun and interesting alien puzzle. Have fun!

Wie man es es spielt:

Use mouse to play this game.

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Alien Contact Jigsaw
Alien Contact Jigsaw
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