Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Amigo Pancho 5: Arctic & Peru:

Puzzle, 1 Spieler, Flash, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Physik | (11.4 MB) Datum hinzugefügt 23 Feb 2015
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"Amigo Pancho 5" is an engaging flash game where players embark on an adventure with the mustachioed character Pancho through the Arctic and Peru. 🧊🐧
The objective is to navigate Pancho safely upwards, avoiding numerous traps that threaten to bring him down. Players interact with various elements in the environment, such as orienting wind directions and activating massive fans, to clear a path for Pancho's ascent. The game is played entirely with the mouse, requiring strategic planning and timing to overcome the challenges and reach the stars in each level for additional points. This installment continues the beloved series with its unique blend of puzzle-solving and physics-based gameplay. 🎈

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Amigo Pancho 5: Arctic & Peru
Amigo Pancho 5: Arctic & Peru
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