Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Arkamoin:

Arkade, 1 Spieler, HTML5, Blöcke, Touchscreen, Pixel | Datum hinzugefügt 13 Jul 2022
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  • Move paddle left/right
    Start level/Release ball

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Arkamoin is an arcade block breaker which is a tiny, fast paced and unforgiven. The first three stages are always static. After that you get randomized levels. The blocks with the exclamation marks need two hits and are shooting at you when you remove them. Every few levels there is a boss block to defeat. There are four different extras to pick up: Red pill: laser (destroy bricks in front of the bat), Blue pill: Super ball (moves through bricks), Yellow pill: Closes the wall at the bottom of the screen for a short time so it's save for the ball to hit the bottom edge, Green pill: Glue that glues the ball on your bat for two times. Have fun playing this arcade game here at Y8.com!

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