Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Bob The Robber 5: The Temple Adventure:

Puzzle, 1 Spieler, Geld, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen, Rätsel | Datum hinzugefügt 04 Sep 2018
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Bob The Robber 5: The Temple Adventure is an exciting HTML5 game which is the fifth installment of Bob The Robber. Bob is known for being an expert in robbery crimes. He is like born with the gift of stealing things from his neighboorhood. In this game, you will try to rob valuable treasures from an ancient temple. But, it will not be easy for you to do such since there are lots of mummies, guards, and surveillance cameras to prevent you from successfully stealing it. Use your cleverness to help Bob trick and surpass these security forces and collect all the treasures that are hidden in this ancient temple. You can also encounter locked doors which means, you will need to first find the perfect key for it to get unlocked. Use the best stealth that you have to exit the door without getting caught successfully. Have fun playing this awesome game!

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Das Spiel ist Teil einer Spielreihe :Bob The Robber

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Bob The Robber 5: The Temple Adventure
Bob The Robber 5: The Temple Adventure
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