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1 Spieler, Krieg, Android, HTML5, Handy, iPhone, iPad, Touchscreen | Datum hinzugefügt 06 Sep 2018
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  • Drag and Drop cards

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Clash of Warlord Orcs an action-packed fight featuring the warlord orcs! Select the best battle cards and place your orc heroes on the battlefield. Think carefully on your next step in order for you to one by one bring down your enemy's buildings. Choose the right combination of cards and also, do not forget to protect your castle by using spells and defensive orcs. Check on the green power bar at the bottom of the screen, and when you already have enough power, you can now release your warriors to attack the opponent's base. Once the opponent's base is destroyed, you can place a unit closer to it. There are three kinds of orcs to choose from, and they are infantry, ranged, cavaliers and heavy hitters. Take note that you only have three minutes to destroy your opponent and win the fight successfully. Get ready for a fun-addicting and exciting battle against the orcs!

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