Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Diet Flappy Bird:

1 Spieler, Fliegen, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Hindernis, HTML5 | Datum hinzugefügt 26 Apr 2018
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  • Jump
    Turbo Boost

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Diet Flappy Bird is fun html5 flappy bird with a twist. This time you need to take this fun yellow bird home, but on the road there will be a lot of obstacles waiting for you. You need to avoid the poles and the black bird, it will kill you and the game is over. Avoid the food and drink as well, because it will make you bigger but you will have a turbo and fly faster. Click or tap on the left screen to fly and on the right side to use turbo mode. Have fun. On computer use UP arrow key to jump and RIGHT to use turbo boost.

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Diet Flappy Bird
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