Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Elsa and the New Born Baby:

1 Spieler, Flash, Baby, Prinzessin, Cartoons | (3.03 MB) Datum hinzugefügt 02 Nov 2015
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Time for some more fun with this Elsa and Baby game in which you will help her keep an eye on the pretty little rascal. There are plenty of activities you will do with the newborn in this Elsa baby care game so you best get to them after he is born. She will be really happy knowing you were there by her side helping out and letting her hold your hand. In this magnificent miracle which is life, take your time to take in all that is happening and cherish and love the baby once it is born. Have a wonderful time with your favorite character in this Elsa birth game.

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Elsa and the New Born Baby
Elsa and the New Born Baby
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