Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Gumball: Swing Out:

1 Spieler, Plattformen, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Springen, HTML5, Cartoons, Handy, Touchscreen | Datum hinzugefügt 24 Aug 2020
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Get into the swing of things with Gumball, Darwin and their friends from Elmore in the Gumball game Swing Out! You start by choosing which character you want to be. While Gumball is swinging, click at the right time to land on the next platform, and try to land on the center of it, so that you gain more points. There are bonus items like socks or disks which you should collect, since they provide lots of help, and also remember to take the wind in consideration when you are jumping. Like we said, this is a skill game unlike any other here, so nothing should be stopping you from playing it! Start right now, and don't leave, because plenty other great games are going to follow today on our website!

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