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1 Spieler, Flash, Ausrüstungs-Upgrade kaufen, HTML5, Y8 Konto, Handy, Touchscreen, Tower Defense, Y8 Sicherungen | Datum hinzugefügt 06 Oct 2012
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Keeper of the Grove is an originally Tower Defense Flash game released in 2012, but now converted to HTML5 to remain playable despite the Adobe Flash player shutdown. In addition, thanks to this conversion, the game is now also playable on mobile devices!

You may spend long hours trying to pass the levels, because yes, the difficulty of this game is really high! So patience and strategy will have to be there!

To play, use your mouse to place and improve your defenses. Carefully examine the terrain before placing your towers and find the optimal defense for each point on the course.
The goal is simple: prevent monsters from stealing your treasure, made up of precious stones.
A word of advice, take a look at the Guide, which will allow you to acquire an exact knowledge of your defenders, but also of your enemies. After each successful level, you will get valuable experience points to spend on skills. You will be able to modify your improvements in turn, which we strongly advise you to do according to the difficulties you encounter. And don't forget: a well-upgraded tower will do more damage than a few un-upgraded towers!

Good luck, because the difficulty of this game may surprise you!

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