Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Master Chess Multiplayer:

2 Spieler, 1 Spieler, Mehrere Spieler, Schach, Brettspiele, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen, Rätsel | Datum hinzugefügt 30 May 2020
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In Master Chess Multiplayer, test your skills against other players through online multiplayer gameplay. Chess is one of the most popular games, and it requires strategic thinking. Can you move your pieces carefully, and checkmate your opponent?

From pawns to bishops, all of the pieces are waiting for you to start the game. The rules and the objective of this game are the same as the classic chess game. You try to beat your opponent by moving your pieces carefully on the board as you try to checkmate them. The game features 2 different game modes. The first one is the local game mode where you can play against the computer or a friend. The second one is the online multiplayer mode where you try to beat other players around the world. You can play the game with your mouse. When the game starts, click on a piece and select a slot to move them. Each piece has different moves, so pay attention to that while playing. At the bottom of the screen, you can see your score. It decreases with time, so try to make quick decisions! In the lower right corner of the screen, you can see how much time you've used in the current gameplay session.

Chess is fun, but have you played checkers? If not, then be sure to check our popular title, Master Checkers Multiplayer. Have fun!


  • Colorful 2D graphics
  • 2 different game modes
  • Online multiplayer gameplay
  • Intuitive controls

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Das Spiel ist Teil einer Spielreihe :Master of Board Games

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