Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Maya Golf 2:

1 Spieler, Golf, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen | Datum hinzugefügt 10 Jan 2021
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Maya Golf 2 is a golfing game with a fun jungle-theme. This is the second installment of the cute shooter, Maya Golf. Maya is out to prove she is the best again by going into the wilderness to show off her skills. Most golfing places either have no backgrounds or have cheesy miniature golf but Maya Golf 3 is a cute jungle theme for you to play. There are various obstacles, like in any golfing game, to prevent you from making a hole-in-one. There is water, dips, trees, and blocks that may send your golf ball in the wrong direction. If your ball goes out of bounds, it will return back to the original putting spot. Otherwise, it will stay in the spot it ends upon, and you must putt it from there. Enjoy this golfing game today! Enjoy playing Maya Golf 2 game here at Y8.com!

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