Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Melissa Heart ♥:

1 Spieler, interaktives Fantasie-Abenteuer, Gruselig, Liebe, WebGL, Pixel | Datum hinzugefügt 27 May 2024
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Melissa Heart is a short retro visual novel with a bit of comedy and horror, where you talk with a girl on the the Apple II computer.

Have you heard of this NEW GAME they installed on the high-tech computer at the library? We’ve all played it! You should too! It’s real cute!
Meet MELISSA, your date in a brand spankin’ new game called “DATE TIME”.
She is a sweetheart! A bright, young woman… who is looking for someone with a gentle touch!
She loves a GOOD BOOK, and she has always wanted to date a TALENTED ARTIST!
But she isn’t into SPORTS so JOCKS… please do NOT APPLY!

Play your cards right, and you’ll get a SMOOCH from the cutest person ever!

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Melissa Heart ♥
Melissa Heart ♥
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