Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Mermaid’s Instaphoto Profile:

1 Spieler, Verkleiden, Prinzessin, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen, Bitent | Datum hinzugefügt 24 Jul 2019
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Princess Mermaid's Instagram profile needs a serious update! The red haired mermaid princess has forgotten about her profile and her followers can't wait for new posts and pictures of her! Why don't you help her update her entire profile and make new and cute posts. Princess Mermaid could really use your help! First you need to change her profile picture and write something about her, then change her story highlights too! Next select which pictures should she share with her followers and you should even dress her up for a new photo shooting session, then make a new Instagram post. Later when Eric stops by, help her take a selfie of them and share it on Instagram. Make sure to write something cute! Have fun!

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