Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Save the Piggy:

1 Spieler, Flash, Tier, Side Scrolling | (429 KB) Datum hinzugefügt 30 Jan 2018
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  • Move/Change Speed

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The goal for you is to guide the piggy through dangerous backyard and help him escape in the shortest time possible. In this game, you can use up/down arrow key to move and use left and right arrow keys to control the speed. Press spacebar to jump over the obstacles you meet such as carnivorous plants, mud holes, slops, rake and stones. Watch out for the dangerous hammer! The shadow over the piggy signalizes that hammer is getting closer! If the hammer hits you, the game is over. On your journey, collect coins as possible. Each coin will deduct one second from your final time. Good luck!

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Save the Piggy
Save the Piggy
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