Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel The Bodyguard:

1 Spieler, Simulation, Blut, Reflexe, 3D, Springen, WebGL | Datum hinzugefügt 19 Sep 2024
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The Bodyguard a thrilling online game where it’s your duty to protect the lives of prominent figures who’ve found themselves in the eye of danger. In this exciting digital adventure, you’ll step into the shoes of a dedicated bodyguard entrusted with the safety of celebrities and influential personalities — each marked as targets by mysterious threats. Your mission? Safeguard them at all costs… even if that means risking your own life! Leap into bullet trajectories, tackle potential assailants, and ensure no harm befalls those under your protection. It’s more than just reacting to immediate threats: strategic planning, sharp reflexes and quick decision-making are essential. Remember — every fraction of a second can make a difference between life and death. Have fun playing this game here at Y8.com!

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