Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Three Nights at Fred:

Puzzle, 1 Spieler, Flucht, 3D, HTML5, Survival Horror, Rätsel | Datum hinzugefügt 19 Mar 2022
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433 Mal angesehen
  • Move
    Lock / Unlock the View
    Pick / Open / Interact
    Hold and Drag

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Do you have what it takes to survive Three Nights at Fred? We hope so because you are about to have one of the best new adventure-horror experiences on y8.com with this amazing new 3D survival game. Move around, collect the clues and escape from the rooms. Start your new horror adventure right now, have the most fun possible, and don't hesitate to invite your friends over for fun as well, they should know how many amazing games they find here!

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Three Nights at Fred
Three Nights at Fred
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