Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Treasure of Alognov:

Puzzle, 1 Spieler, Hindernis, 3D, Blöcke, WebGL, Rätsel | Datum hinzugefügt 29 Apr 2024
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The magnificent castle was abandoned and lost its magnificence in the far-off past. According to legend, the castle contained the Alogons' treasures. A team of archaeologists made the decision to investigate the castle and learn its mysteries one day. They embarked on a perilous expedition via the castle's maze-like passageways and shadowy caverns. They spent hours researching and eventually found a hidden room with an old treasure trove. To keep others out, the chest was sealed and kept inside a cage. Clear all the puzzles and win the treasure. Have fun and play more games only on y8.com

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Treasure of Alognov
Treasure of Alognov
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