Spielen Sie das Online-Spiel Wasteland 2035:

1 Spieler, Töten, 3D, Monster, Y8 Konto, WebGL, Y8 Highscore, Y8 Erfolge, Third Person Shooter | Datum hinzugefügt 14 Jan 2019
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It's the year 2035 and some parts of the world became wastelands after the apocalypse. You are one of the soldiers whose mission is to annihilate all the abominations which are the remnants of the past chaotic era of mutations. You need to obliterate a hundred of these monsters and still survive! The faster you finish the mission the higher the score. Act fast if you want your name to be posted in the leaderboard. Unlock all the achievements to add a bonus to your current score!

Wasteland 2035 gesponsored von Y8 Games

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